Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday morning

Three things from my Tuesday morning:

1. The San Francisco Giants blew everyone away with their superb games in the World Series. I am happy to say that I can now look my Texan friends (yes I still have them) in the eye. Good job, guys. BAY AREA!

2. Today is election day! I miss voting in person, I must say. Almost makes me want to register in New York... but not really, because Albany is just as bad as Sacramento, and colder. The two-state comparison has basically devolved into an awesome contest for whose candidates are more ridiculous, though... for me at least.
2a. As a primer for today's ballot and watching the results come in, here's the recent Gail Collins op-ed: Name That Candidate.
2b. Also, presented without comment: Jon Stewart, Autotuned.

3. They are jackhammering into the street directly outside our window, and have been doing so since about 7am. Why, New York. Why must you destroy everything, and so loudly?

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