Sunday, November 21, 2010

I wonder if this will work

Today, I need to research and write at least seven of the required twelve pages of my phonology paper. The proper process is to do your research first and then write, but I have managed to mismanage my time and now I am unable to do that, so the researching must happen simultaneously with the writing. I post my progress here not because anybody else cares, but in the hopes that it will actually shame me into writing at a regular pace.

10:19 AM: 0 pages
11:35 AM: 1 page
After trolling the internet for examples, I finally found one that would work. Too bad most of my page so far only includes tables of data, which conveniently take up lots of space. Oh well. Onward!
12:22 PM: 2 pages
1:54 PM: 3 pages
I had to take a break for food. Now I need to finish this.
3:18 PM: 4 pages While I only got a page written, I'm feeling a little better about how this analysis is going. Also, I'm over halfway to my required page count before I can quit for the day. I'm optimistic.
4:15 PM: 4 pages A "brief break" turned into an hour. Argh.
4:58 PM: 5 pages
6:23 PM: 6 pages (almost)
I need to take another break, ugh.

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