Saturday, February 5, 2011

What happens at Dewey's never goes back to the office

Last night I went out after work with my co-workers to the bar they apparently frequent a lot (they knew the bouncer and bartenders by name, which is always a good sign) and we collectively got what would charitably be termed "drunk in a bonding exercise." It was quite fun, actually, and also completely hilarious. I discussed fountain pens with Coworker S and choirs with Coworker D (she invited me to their next rehearsal, which was exciting!) and the perks and drawbacks of having a semi-androgynous name with Boss B. The non-smokers mocked the smokers, who had to get all bundled up every hour or so and briefly step outside, and at some point someone ordered calamari, which was delicious. The best part of the evening was the stories I heard about the company Christmas party, which I guess is an event nobody ever speaks about mostly because nobody remembers it. There were photos, though - one person said the words "Christmas party" and immediately they all whipped out BlackBerrys and iPhones and Droids to show me some rather incriminating pictures.

Moral of the story: work is good, and these people are hilarious. There is always lots of food in my life (Boss A's sister works for Cake Boss, which is amazing and also means the office is always full of pastry and sweets), and I get to speak French and Spanish with my coworkers and I'm working up the nerve to ask Coworker S to speak German to me, slowly. I've started getting small baby assignments to manage, which is fun because it means I don't have to just sit around and shadow everyone all day, and I'm starting to learn names. Soon I will feel like I have worked there forever, I am sure.

Yay gainful employment.

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