Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why am I like this

Alright, this fiasco has reached epic proportions.

My process for writing this paper (8-14 pages in Spanish on the diglossic situation of Classical Arabic and Andalusian Arabic in the Iberian Peninsula between the 8th and 16th centuries):

1. Decide that I need to sit down and actually write this paper.
2. Open my computer, check gmail and facebook, stalk people's spring break pictures as they go up: 15 minutes.
3. Mentally kick myself, and sign out of skype, facebook, ichat, gchat: 5 minutes.
4. Try and write one sentence in Spanish, get so hung up on the subjunctive and vocabulary choices that I lose my train of thought: 20 minutes.
5. Say screw it, get onto Write or Die, bang out 500 words of bullshit, with no factual basis or research, in English, with no quotes or references: 10 minutes.
6. Wikipedia a reference about dialect differences in Arabic, get distracted, follow a series of links, end up reading about something completely unrelated to anything useful (music videos): 10 minutes.
7. Prompted by Wikipedia, re-watch all three mashup videos of the billboard hits from 2009, 2008, and 2007: 15 minutes.
8. Realize what just happened, close all my windows, and try to remember what I was writing about: 5 minutes.
9. Try to translate my 500 words of crappy English into a Spanish paragraph, simultaneously inserting random references to back up my made-up claims in the hope she won't actually check any of them: 30 minutes.
10. Google "when to use 'aunque' in the subjunctive in Spanish," manage to click on the "Gawker" and "NYTimes" bookmarks at the same time: 5 minutes.
11. Wonder, yet again, who in their right mind let Steve Jobs name his latest creation "iPad": 5 minutes.
12. Have coffee with my seƱora, watch as my host sisters peel all the stickers off the fruit in the fruit bowl and stick them on their faces: 45 minutes.
13. Realize I have accomplished absolutely nothing, return to Write or Die, spit out 500 more words of even worse English: 15 minutes.
14. Check facebook, change my status to something about how much I hate this paper: 5 minutes.
15. Realize how screwed I am, update my blog and bitch about my life: 20 minutes

WHY. I am not even exaggerating. ARGH.

1 comment:

  1. Happens to all of us! I've found that when I get ADD like that, I just write down all the distractions that are nagging at me, instead of actually doing them, to keep myself on track. You can do it!!
