Monday, March 22, 2010

León and Zamora

Yes, yes, failure at updating. My bad.

So, too many weekends ago than I care to admit, I went on a NYU sponsored trip to León and Zamora, two cities northwest of Madrid. I was pretty terrible at taking pictures, but here are a few.

The cathedral in León, which is famous for its stained glass.

They're apparently in the process of restoring it.

There was more glass than stone in these walls. Astonishing when the light hit it just perfectly.

Mountains in the distance, as seen from the cathedral.

And then we went to a winery for lunch and a wine tasting, and that's basically the rest of the pictures. So without further ado.

It was called Bodegas Fariña.

There were, obviously, many wine barrels.

"Llena" means full, if you were wondering.

So I know that judging from the pictures I have put on this blog it looks like I only ever wear one outfit. I swear I own other clothes, really.

Our tour guide (who happened to be the grandson of the founder of the winery, how cool is that) went on like a ten-minute rant (in Spanish) about how it's important to use corks and how he thinks screwtop wine bottles are stupid. Dad, I thought of you.

There was an entire wall of the winery's very first vintage.

What they used to use to harvest/crush the grapes a long time ago.

This is where the winery was. Apparently Toro is very famous as one of Spain's best wine areas.

And then there was wine tasting...

And lunch! Food was absolutely delicious, of course.

It, of course, entailed multiple courses of meat-based stews (apparently they eat a lot of that in this part of Spain), bread, salad, cheese, cookies, coffee, and dessert wines. Why is this entire country not obese.

More wine. It was quite delicious as well.

And then we traveled on to Zamora, which I actually liked more than León, but still didn't take very many pictures. (Sorry.)

A plaza...

An awesome-looking wall...

Look, greenery.

Oh, Spain, never change.

A cool street...


And more Zamora.

So, yes, apologies for the delays, expect another picture post about another weekend soon (hopefully tomorrow...!). Other that that, estoy de vacaciones ya, and am gearing up to fly to Lyon on Wednesday for some adventures in France!

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