Saturday, April 2, 2011

So I submitted my thesis

This is the last post I will make on the subject. I promise.

So... yeah. It's done, it's over, lah-dee-fucking-dah. I am moving on with my life. I am still not sure it was worth it, all the angst and sleepless nights and whining and the fact that by all rights I should have no friends. I'm really glad you guys still answer my calls, let's just say. Anyway, so I dedicate it to you all, and even though most of you will never read the actual thesis I want you all to read this. Because I wrote it for all of you. Mostly the last bit.

(If there are typos in here, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HOLD YOUR PEACE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THEM, no I am serious, don't even think about it.)

Anyway. Thank you guys. I truly love you all.


I would first and foremost like to extend all my thanks to Dr. [name], who has been my advisor in this project and an invaluable resource and mentor throughout the course of my research. I would further like to recognize Drs. [name] and [name], who served two years each as Director of Undergraduate Studies during my time in the [university] Linguistics Department, for all their sound advice and academic guidance over the past four years.

I am also very grateful for the support, both academic and financial, of [name] and the members of the [scholarship] panel, and I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude for the grant they awarded me to conduct this research. I owe many thanks and much recognition also to my five anonymous speakers for lending me their voices and their time in this unpaid experiment. Without them, after all, this work would not exist.

And of course, all my love and greatest thanks go to my friends and family for the continuous aid and encouragement they provided throughout this project. I have been blessed with the immeasurable patience and unfailing support of my parents and my brother, who endured my jargon-filled discussions of grand linguistic themes and phonetic minutiae with laudable tolerance and humor. And to all my friends, both linguists and others, who encouraged, nagged, praised and berated me - you know who you are - I would be considerably less sane without you. Finally I extend my particular thanks and much love to my mother, who has been and always will be my first and most trusted editor and who is always willing to read my writing, even when it is over fifty pages long and about vowels.

FUCK YEAH I WROTE A THESIS. I am going to go get drunk now.**

**Obviously I leave the determination of whether this last line is included in my Acknowledgments to your imagination.

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