Saturday, March 5, 2011


This post brought to you by I Hate My Thesis.

The book I am reading: In a response that will surprise nobody, I am currently re-reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte because it is the novel of my heart, forever.

The book I am writing: Well that depends on your definition of "book," really, but it's either the one about a messy, discordant Long Island family over the weekend of the memorial service for their dead patriarch, or the one about the three twenty-somethings living together in a house in northern California and their various dysfunctions and hilarities. Or the one about telephones, but that one has no literary pretensions whatsoever.

The book I love most: Mmmm tricky. It might be Wuthering Heights but I think the book I actually love the most would be The Lord of the Rings because I am, in fact, incredibly cool.

The last book I received as a gift: The Collected Works of T.S. Eliot from my mother, because she wanted her own copy back.

The last book I gave as a gift: I recently re-gifted my copy of a city guide to Madrid to a friend, does that count?

The nearest book: A Course in Phonetics, fifth edition by Peter Ladefoged (ugh thesis!) is sitting directly on top of my roommate's copy of American Gods by Neil Gaiman, both next to me on the couch. I feel like this is actually quite telling.

AND NOW: back to work!

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